A talk to a group of seminarians started off the month of December. Though the disparate ages of the audience - they were aged between 14 and 24 - and their relative reticence threw me a little, the talk went down fairly well.
Later in the evening I addressed a fairly large Tamil prayer group who were participating in an all night vigil. A translator helped get my message across.

By the time I got back home it was past 2 in the morning, but I still managed to wake up fairly fresh at 6 am to leave for another talk - this time to the prisoners in Colombo's main prison. There were nearly 100 prisoners present for the talk, which was the most anointed yet.
Patsy (in pink) with the young ladies who backed me with music
In the afternoon, I met with the group who had provided me with the musical accompaniment for my talks in the churches. There were nearly 21 of them gathered for practice and listening to them was like listening to angels in heaven. I spent the better part of an hour with them, noticing that the anointing had risen even higher. The bad guys were undoubtedly getting clobbered in the heavens!
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