Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The HSI Prayer Family on Yahoo

In September 2006, I had started a forum on Yahoo (hsifamily) with the idea that all the members of the HSI Global Intercessory Prayer Family share their thoughts, ideas, opinions and feelings with one other. We have people from just about every nation on this planet repesented in our prayer family (no kidding!) and I believed that the cross-pollination of cultures would make for some interesting discussions. However, with the exception of three or four people, there was nobody contributing anything whatsoever to the group. Part of the fault for this was undoubtedly mine; a group such as this requires steering, and I had not been able to provide it because of other duties. Though tempted to give up on this, I believe that this forum can be a powerful way to encourage growth (and, consequently, evangelization), so I decided I would give it one more try and write something new every day. Fans of my writing (are there any?) are welcome to visit - and even join the group on Yahoo (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hsifamily/)


Anonymous said...

Dear Aneel,
After we had registered with the HSI we have received no message or direction from you. By means of this message/news, are you inviting your members to write articles, stories, etc in this column? If so, please give directions so that we can join in.

Ignatius Raj, Pune, India

Aneel Aranha said...

Dear Ignatius,

I was to return to Pune for the second module of the Discipleship Program, but there didn't seem to be any interest from anybody there.

You can join our family on Yahoo. Please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hsifamily/ and click on the Join This Group button on the top right. Then start posting.

God bless,