Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mission Accomplished

With the mission in Lebanon accomplished, we decided to see a little of the North of Lebanon, visiting the area where St. Elias lived, stopping by along the way to make some Zatar! When we reached our destination, mass was just concluding. Mary Samaha went to the priest and asked him if he minded saying another mass for our group, and without the slightest hesitation, or request for renumeration he assented. I was so happy as were the rest of us.

We also visited the tomb of Khalil Gibran. I had always thought he was a Sufi mystic, but discovered to my great surprise that he was a Christian! I also found out that he was a painter, with a fondness for nudes. Some of his work was really brilliant and I picked up a print of one of his works on the way out.

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