Monday, October 27, 2008

Discipleship Program, Vashi, New Bombay

Final overseas mission for the year at Vashi, New Bombay

I had planned on taking a three month long break from missionary travel after my trip to the United States, but I had committed to doing a Discipleship Program in Vashi whenever it could be arranged, so when I was told that dates were fixed for October 24-26, I didn't back out. I was glad I didn't, because it was a wonderful mission that ended with yet another invitation to start an HSI Community.

The enemy, of course, promptly went into action with whispers emanating from certain leaders about how I was a divisive force in the Catholic Church and other such rubbish, but then he has to do what he has to do and we have to do what we have to do—which is continue our work in the vineyard—though I believe at some point I may have to take steps to stop the slander.

With this mission—which was made possible largely due to the efforts of Blazie Shetty—completed, my travels come to an end until the Lenten season, though I plan on using the time to write about the many things I have learned over the past couple of years and also build up the existing Communities we have running.

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