Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Talk to the African Community, Dubai

Last year we had started a chain fast for Christian unity and a week into the fast, I received an invitation to preach to the African Community in Dubai. This year, we started a similar fast, and once again, 7 days into the fast, I received another invitation to preach to the same community. Believing this to be a sign from God, I ended an extremely anointed talk on May 14 with a brief exhortation to all present to take a few steps to lower the barriers that separated us, suggesting that we could join one another for prayer. Several young men came up after the session was over saying they would like to join the HSI family in their prayer/fellowship gathering the coming week and I could only whisper a silent thank-you to God for their openness to his call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome and so inspiring. Pray that more, myself included, become willing to listen to His Voice and speak His Word to those who need to hear It.